Com. Tarakeswar Chakraborti Memorial Endowment Lecture 2021-22

Com. Tarakeswar Chakraborti Memorial Endowment Lecture 2021-22

Units are aware that AIBEA has instituted an Endowment with Dept. of Economics in the University of Madras to perpetuate the memory of our beloved leader late Com. Tarakeswar Chakraborti, former General Secretary of AIBEA (from 1980 to 2003). Under the auspices of this Endowment, memorial lectures are being held every year. AIBEA is also extending scholarship to post-graduate students to do PhD.
We are happy to inform that for the current academic year 2021-22, the Memorial Endowment Lecture has been arranged as under:
Topic The Evolution of Monetary and Banking Policy Date 29th March, 2022 – Tuesday
Time 11-00 AM
Lecture by
Dr. C. Rangarajan,
Former Governor, RBI, Former Chairman of
Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory council, former M.P, former Governor of Andhra Pradesh
Hall F-50, University Campus, Opp. Registrar’s office All are invited
Units and members of Tamilnadu Bank Employees Federation in Chennai city will attend the programme physically.
For others, we are making arrangements to webcast the lecture live through Zoom App, our Facebook, Youtube and Twitter channels. RvTUxGZFhRNVkrdz09
Meeting ID: 958 128 8018
With greetings,
Passcode: AIBEA1946
Yours comradely,