Our campaign programmes against attempts of privatisation of Banks

All our State Federations are once again reminded about the decisions taken in the AIBEA General Council Meeting regarding our ongoing campaign against the moves of the Government to privatise the Banks. It is likely that the Government may take some measures during the next winter session of the Parliament in Nov-Dec. 2021. Hence, we must step up our campaign and also keep ready for any eventual organisational actions and strikes as would be warranted. State Federations are requested to be alive to this and prepare our units and members accordingly.
Steps to be taken by State Federations/units
A. Holding physical/virtual Committee meeting/Office bearers
meeting of all State Federations, wherever not held
B. Ensure that all our base units hold similar meetings before the end
of this month.
C. In all these meetings, Resolution to be adopted as per draft enclosed herewith. Copy of the Resolution should be sent to AIBEA Central Office.
D. State-level Webinars to be held by inviting prominent local leaders from the respective States. (Karnataka and West Bengal have completed. Jharkhand is holding these webinars today and tomorrow. Other States to hold such webinars.)
E. Work should be allotted to different units and leaders to meet political leaders, MPs/MLAs, trade unions leaders, VIPS, in the State and enlist their support to our demands against privatisation.
F. Mass Signature Campaign: State Federations should take into account the pandemic situation and SOPs obtaining in each State and accordingly decide how to undertake this programme. (Specimen of Mass Petition already provided to units). These petitions should be sent to the State Federations and later AIEBA will collect the same.
G. Memorandum by Branches: All our members in each Branch/ Office to sign the Mass Memorandum (mass petition to Prime Minister – specimen enclosed) and such Memorandum should be sent by post to Prime Minister, Govt. of India, South Block, Raisina Hill, New Delhi-110011.

H. Social Media Team should be set up in all States and with the help of this team, campaign should be carried on in social media platforms.
I. Special efforts should be taken to enroll more and more of our members in AIBEA’s social media channels like Facebook, YouTube, Telegram.
J. Twitter accounts: Members are to be encouraged to open their twitter accounts so that our campaigns through twitter would become more effective.
K. All our base unions should ensure that they collect and keep a record of the email address, mobile/WhatsApp number of all members. This will be very very important and necessary in our communications during the emerging struggles which are going to be prolonged and bitter.
L. Youth Council/Committees to be formed in all States and they should be involved and entrusted in undertaking campaign programmes.